We will post helpful information and guidance about what we are doing to support our families during any period of remote education. All information below has been shared directly with families via Class Dojo but we thought it a good idea to upload it here so that all information can be quickly accessed.
If you are struggling to find the information you are looking for, please get in contact with us via the office: office@holme.cambs.sch.uk
In the event that we find ourselves in a National/Local lockdown, here is an overview of what you can expect from our school
For those children who are learning at home, we will provide daily remote learning in the form of live Zoom sessions, pre-recorded videos to watch and additional learning and activities set via either Class Dojo or Google Classroom.
Every child will be provided with daily learning in English and Mathematics in addition to their full range of subjects that they would have been learning in school. This will include RE, Science, History, Geography, PSHE, PE, Music, Art, DT and Languages (KS2).
Live Zoom sessions will be at set times every day so that children have a routine and we will make sure that every class is at a different time to ensure there are no clashes for families with siblings across the school. An example timetable for the sessions is below:
All links to live Zoom sessions will be shared with parents and carers via Class Dojo and email. If you do not received these please email the office who will be able to send these to you.
The live sessions are an opportunity for the class to meet together, for teachers to feedback to children on their learning, time for children to share the learning they have completed, as well as take part in live lessons with their class teachers. At the end of the day, the children will be sent a recording or take part in a live reading sessions to finish the school day.
In addition to these live sessions with the whole class, the teachers and teaching assistants will also be completing some smaller group sessions with children who they feel would benefit from some additional support. Teachers will be in contact directly with families who this affects to arrange suitable times.
All learning will be posted the evening prior so that parents and carers can plan their day around their other commitments. As mentioned previously, live sessions will be at the same times every day to support this. All live sessions will be recorded and posted onto Class Dojo to help those who are unable to attend for any reason.
Critical workers and vulnerable children provision
In the event of a National/Local lockdown involving the closure of all schools, schools have been asked to provide additional provision for children of critical workers to enable them to continue to support with national efforts. The school has already identified parents and carers who would be considered a critical worker and in the event of this happening will be in contact with those families to arrange on site education for affected families.
The message remains the same that if there is an adult at home who can support children with remote education, then children should stay at home. This is to support everyone in minimising contacts.
If critical workers are unable to provide support at home then a space will be offered in school for them to attend on the days needed. These are full day places and no alteration to timings will be considered on this occasion. Provision in school mirrors that being received at home through remote education. Therefore, children in school will be placed with their usual class teacher in their usual classrooms. Children will sit at their own desk and have their own equipment, including their own device, to enable them to complete the remote education that the teacher sets for the whole class.
There will be a booking system in place which will be shared on our 'Critical workers and vulnerable children group' on Class Dojo. Parents and carers should ensure that this is completed as soon as possible to enable the school to plan the provision appropriately for those in need of spaces. More information about this will be shared in the event of needing this provision open.
Holme C of E Primary Academy
Tel: 01487 830342
Email: office@holme.cambs.sch.uk
Mrs Clara King (Executive Headteacher) head@holme.cambs.sch.uk
Mrs Emma Pilarski (Senior Office Administrator)
School Address:
Church Street
DEMAT Office Address:
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