Owls are a friendly, enthusiastic and hardworking class who enjoy learning.
We will also be continuing to work hard on our handwriting and spelling, following the Year 1 and 2 statutory spelling lists as well as our phonics scheme (see below for more information).
Children will read daily in school as part of our whole class reading lessons, during our phonics lessons and as part of independent reading. As a class we will be reading ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl and our reading lessons will be focusing on this book in detail.
Phonics is taught using the Sounds-Write scheme and is a focus for our writing and reading, alongside our English and comprehension lessons.
This term children will focus on:
Children will regularly explore problem solving and reasoning through a mastery Maths approach as well as regularly recapping and practising fluency skills. In addition, we will be focusing more on utilising our online Maths resource, Completely Maths.
In Science we will be looking at the human body in detail, looking at the skeleton and the circulatory system.
As Geographers, we will be looking at maps and will be creating our own maps of the school, thinking about all of the elements needed to make a map really useful.
In Art we will be looking at colour and shape, building on what we already know about primary and secondary colours, as well as the different types of lines you can use to create shapes in compositions.
We will be focusing in detail on online safety this term, as well as using computer software to create and navigate mazes, using Purple Mash.
In addition, we will continue to focus on how to stay safe online, through weekly discussions and explicit lessons, as well as through our half-termly Collective Worship sessions focusing on a different area of online safety, covering the different strands as outlined in the UKCIS guidance for schools on how to teach online safety in schools.
As musicians, we will be revisiting our understanding of ostinato in compositions, and developing this further.
We will be studying Judaism this half term in R.E, considering the question, ‘Why do Jewish families talk about repentance at New Year?’.
For P.E. we would advise children to wear their outdoor P.E. kit (including trainers) to be prepared for any weather. Regular P.E. sessions with a coach are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This term we will be focusing on Dance and Team Games.
In PSHE we will be learning about Rights, Rules and Responsibilities.
Class Teacher: Mrs Barnard
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Cattell
Our PE days will be: Tuesday and Wednesdays
Home learning consists of spellings linked to our Sounds-Write phonics for the week, as well as daily reading and an additional basic skills task. Please ensure that you support your child by reading with them at least 4 times a week. Books are changed weekly – the children will bring home 2 books. One which directly relates to our Phonics Scheme and one which relates to their reading age.
Spellings as well as the additional work to support the development of your child’s basic skills will be sent home every Friday.
Holme C of E Primary Academy
Tel: 01487 830342
Email: office@holme.cambs.sch.uk
Mrs Clara King (Executive Headteacher) head@holme.cambs.sch.uk
Mrs Emma Pilarski (Senior Office Administrator)
School Address:
Church Street
DEMAT Office Address:
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