'Non scholae sed vitae discimus' - We learn not for school but for life
At Holme C of E Primary Academy, we believe Latin provides rich opportunities that come with learning an ancient language. As well as being a fascinating language in its own right, knowledge of Latin helps to develop literacy skills. Through Latin, children develop their knowledge of spelling and vocabulary through learning Latin roots of English words and deepening their understanding of grammar. Alongside language learning, the study of Roman and Greek civilisations aids cultural literacy, encourages cultural insights and gives opportunities for wide-ranging thinking across many linked subjects (including history, philosophy, art, maths and science).
The national curriculum for languages aims to ensure that all pupils:
National Curriculum guidance states that:
“Teaching may be of any modern or ancient foreign language and should focus on enabling pupils to make substantial progress in one language. The teaching should provide an appropriate balance of spoken and written language and should lay the foundations for further foreign language teaching at key stage 3. It should enable pupils to understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing, focused on familiar and routine matters, using their knowledge of phonology, grammatical structures and vocabulary.
The focus of study in modern languages will be on practical communication. If an ancient language is chosen, the focus will be to provide a linguistic foundation for reading comprehension and an appreciation of classical civilisation. Pupils studying ancient languages may take part in simple oral exchanges, while discussion of what they read will be conducted in English. A linguistic foundation in ancient languages may support the study of modern languages at key stage 3.
Pupils should be taught to:
The starred (*) content above will not be applicable to ancient languages.”
Holme C of E Primary Academy
Tel: 01487 830342
Email: office@holme.cambs.sch.uk
Mrs Clara King (Executive Headteacher) head@holme.cambs.sch.uk
Mrs Emma Pilarski (Senior Office Administrator)
School Address:
Church Street
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