In the fist half of the autumn term, the children will be looking at writing to entertain. We shall be focusing on historical narrative writing before moving on to looking at fantasy narratives. We shall also study the poem 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes. Additionally, we will continue to focus on all aspects of spelling, punctuation and grammar. Children will read daily as part of whole class and independent reading. Initially, the focus for our reading will be on the book Street Child by Berlie Doherty before moving on to 'Cogheart' adventure series, where mayhem, murder and mystery meet in a gripping Victorian world of fantastical imagination.
For the first half term we shall be focusing, to begin with, on number place value before moving on the the four operations. This will be the building blocks for the foundations of our future maths learning this year. I would be grateful if you could also encourage your children to continue to practice their times tables and related division facts up to the 12 times tables.
Our unit this half term is the human body. As part of this topic, the children will focus on the heart and the circulatory system. The learning will enable them to identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. They will be able to describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans, and they will be able to recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function.
Our topic for the first half of the autumn term will be the Industrial Revolution. The children will learn that the Industrial Revolution brought the UK into an era of technology and productivity. It created wealth for many but social problems and poverty for others. As part of this topic, they will learn that industrialisation marked a shift from agriculture and rural societies, to urbanisation, machinery, factories and mass production. They will learn how the iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam engine, played central roles in the Industrial Revolution.
Our focus for this half term is on spatial sense. As part of this topic, the children will look at the devision of maps and its significance, including lines of latitude and longitude, hemispheres, the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. We shall also be looking at map projection and time zones.
Art and D.T.
Our focus for this half term is on art in the Italian Renaissance. We shall be looking at the revival of art that took place in Italy from about 1400 influenced by the rediscovery of classical art and culture reaching its peak from about 1500-1530. The artists we shall be studying are Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci. In DT we shall be designing and creating water walls.
In this uit, children will be investigating the great significance of the 'Eucharist' to Christians. They will look at the Biblical narrative in order to understand the meaning of thanksgiving and the meaning of being thankful. They will explore how a Christian's belief in giving thanks to God may give more meaning to life, suggesting their own responses to this idea and what may be the challenges to this in a diverse world of people and beliefs/
In this unit, children will participate in developing ground rules for the class and exploring what they mean in practice. They will also take part in activities to build positive relationships within many environments and to develop their skills of co-operation. They will explore the range of new situations they or others may find themselves in, and the emotions they or others may experience.
Our focus this half term is on swimming. The children will be swimming each week on a Friday afternoon, so will require swimming kits along with a towel and swimming hat. Alongside this, the children will also be learning about Games. The children will be doing games mainly outside, so please ensure your child has the appropriate PE clothing for the weather.
Music in autumn term 1 is all about voice and body percussion. Showing pulse and rhythmic patterns by moving our bodies and using our moths to make sounds which are voice or unvoiced.
We shall continue our learning on adverbs and verb endings in Latin.
Class Teacher: Miss Williams
Teaching Assistants: Mr Batty and Mrs Smith
Our PE days will be: Monday and Fridays (Smimming)
Homework will be given out on Fridays and checked the following Wednesday. Homework this term will be either online through either Complete Maths, Maths.co.uk, SPAG.com or it will written into your child’s home learning book.
Each week there will also be an expectation for your child to be reading a minimum of four times per week. As ever, we thoroughly appreciate and encourage any discussion you can have with your children surrounding their reading. What are they reading? Can they describe the characters? How do they think certain characters are feeling about a certain situation?
Please can we ask that you encourage your children to read a wide range of materials including both fiction and non-fiction and a range of genres, especially within fiction such as historical novels, science fiction and adventure narratives.
Parents can help with homework tasks, but please leave feedback in books to let us know of any particular difficulties or activities you enjoyed. Included in your child’s home learning book are the national curriculum year 3/4 spellings should you wish to support your child’s learning at home.
Please make sure homework is well presented and reflects your child’s full understanding. Home school communication books must be in school each day so records of reading can be written in.
Thank you.
Holme C of E Primary Academy
Tel: 01487 830342
Email: office@holme.cambs.sch.uk
Mrs Clara King (Executive Headteacher) head@holme.cambs.sch.uk
Mrs Emma Pilarski (Senior Office Administrator)
School Address:
Church Street
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