This term In writing the children will be writing a story based on the book the Stone Age Boy, where a boy travels back in time. They will learn about different sentence types and different grammatical features.
In guided reading, the children will also be studying the Stone Age Boy, developing their comprehension skills.
The children will follow Sounds-Write for spelling and will also use elements from their Latin to support this.
This half term children will focus on:
The children will compare values, order numbers, round numbers and identify missing numbers.
Times tables will be practised through Tackling Tables.
The children will be learning about the human body. They will specifically be looking at the different muscles in the body, the skeletal system and digestive system.
The children will be exploring the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. We will look at key Historical sites including Must Farm, Stonehenge and Cheddar Gorge.
The children will learn about Spatial Sense, which involves learning to read maps and use keys.
This term we will be exploring the concept of Line. This will include how line is used to create images, the impact on different pieces and relevant artists.
The children will be learning about coding using PurpleMash and 2Code to help them develop their knowledge of how software and programs are developed.
This term the children will be using Music Express focusing on the themes surrounding Environment and Building.
In RE the children will be exploring the question 'Why do Muslims call Muhammad the ‘seal’ of the prophets?'
For P.E. we would advise children to wear their outdoor P.E. kit (including trainers) to be prepared for any weather. This term we will be focusing on ball handling, patterns and pathways.
In PSHE, we will be learning about beginnings and belongings. We will explore identity and what it means to belong to a community.
Class Teacher: Miss Weeks
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Smith
Our PE days will be: Monday and Fridays
This will be as practical as possible and linking to the work undertaken in class. Homework will be given out on Fridays and collected in on Wednesdays.
Parents can help with homework tasks, but please leave feedback in books to let us know of any particular difficulties or activities you enjoyed.
I have included spellings for each child should you wish to work on these as part of home learning and if you would like a copy of the tackling tables sheet that your child is currently working on then please just ask.
Please make sure homework is well presented and reflects your child’s full understanding.
Spelling and reading tasks- please also use your individual Spelling Shed logins for year group spelling assignments and your Prodigy maths logins for year group specific maths assignments
Holme C of E Primary Academy
Tel: 01487 830342
Email: office@holme.cambs.sch.uk
Mrs Clara King (Executive Headteacher) head@holme.cambs.sch.uk
Mrs Emma Pilarski (Senior Office Administrator)
School Address:
Church Street
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